Initial Consultation Form

Law Office of Maurice LaRiviere, Jr. Haverhill Massachusetts Law Office of Maurice LaRiviere, Jr. Contact Litigation Experience My Career Experience Professional Abilities Clients Comments Guest Book Favorite Links Contact Initial Consultation Types of Cases I handle Areas I provide legal service for Initial Consultation Form Resume Email Instructions Disclaimer Sign up page for Massachusetts Legal News Courtroom Apperance Services wills and trusts

Below you will find a form you should copy and bring with you to the consultation

Initial Interview Information Sheet

Law OfficeOfMaurice J. LaRiviere, Jr.  
Initial interview information sheet 
Date  ________________________ 
Name ______________________________________ 
Address ____________________________________ 
Home Phone _________________________________ 
Business Phone _______________________________ 
Cell Phone ___________________________________ 
Email _______________________________________ 
Referring Party ________________________________ 
Issue reviewed  

Initial consultation sheet


Law office


Maurice J. LaRiviere, Jr.

Name Printed __________________________________________
Address    _________________________________


By my signature hereto I Acknowledge and agree that I met the day and date stated above for an initial review and consultation of a legal matter stated below.
I recognize that at this conference;
1) I will not be assessed a fee or other charge by Maurice J. LaRiviere, Jr.
2) That at this time and until such time as Maurice J. LaRiviere, Jr. signs a fee agreement he will not be considered for any purpose as my counsel in this matter or any other unless otherwise specified in this document.
3) That this initial consultation is intended simply to review the matter identified above and is not to be considered legal advice upon which I could or should reasonably rely in taking or failing to take any present or future action in this matter.
4) I acknowledge further that no legal representation, appearance or preparation will begin in this matter unless and until Maurice J. LaRiviere, Jr. agrees in writing to be my counsel of record.
5) I further understand that Attorney LaRiviere intends to keep the interview confidential.
Name- signed and printed